What is bladder cancer? Bladder cancer is one of the most common cancer types in urinary system, arising from mucous membrane of urinary bladder. Epithelial cells of mucous membrane of urinary bladder are also named uroepithelial cells, from which develops urothelioma, a most common malignancy takes up to 90-95% in all kinds of bladder […]
Author: johnedner23
Common Types of CancerCommon Types of Cancer
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Common Cancer Types Bladder Cancer Breast Cancer Colon and Rectal Cancer Endometrial Cancer Kidney Cancer Leukemia Liver Cancer Lung Cancer Melanoma Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Pancreatic Cancer Prostate Cancer Thyroid Cancer
Benefits of CGxBenefits of CGx
Benefits and limitations of genetic testing Genetic testing for gene mutations associated with hereditary cancer can provide important medical information for the person undergoing the testing and for his or her blood relatives. Benefits of genetic testing for people already diagnosed with cancer It can help women diagnosed with breast cancer make surgical decisions such as whether to undergo lumpectomy and radiation or bilateral mastectomy.It can help people diagnosed […]